As part of the SATC’s communication strategy the Eyre Peninsula, together with the Limestone coast, Riverland and Fleurieu Peninsula will feature in the Spring/Summer marketing campaign with the creative idea of “take another look”.   This idea is to challenge people’s thoughts around, they might think that they know everything the State has to offer, but it is constantly changing, evolving and improving.  And so are we.  What people found interesting 10 years ago is likely to be different now.  So “take another look”, you maybe be surprised by what you see. You will start seeing this in the market from September 2019 to influence travel for summer 2020.

Simple tips to leverage and amplify SATC’s marketing campaign for your business?

  • Follow SATC and Eyre Peninsula on Facebook @seeSouthAustralia @eyrepeninsulaaustraliasseafoodfrontier
  • Instagram #seesouthaustralia #southaustralia #eyrepeninsula
  • Comment on the posts and tag your business (example: @sondra you look like you are having a fab time in Port Lincoln, and if you are travelling to Tumby Bay make sure you pop into to see us at @lansetumbycafe for a chat, coffee and a delicious French treat).
  • Enhance your spring/summer offering, create offers or added value.
  • Give your audience suggested itineraries, accommodation, experiences and/or attractions near you.  Collaborate where possible to promote a cluster of activities.
  • Share SATC’s posts including videos onto your social media page.
  • Ensure you have an up to date ATDW listing with images (HOT TIP: if you aren’t on ATDW SATC will not share any of your Social Media posts).
  • Reshare content from including travel blogs and campaign pages directly onto your business social pages.
  • If you do reshare content just make sure you credit the person or company.

Are you online bookable and digital savvy?  Contact for digital tagging and sharing information and opportunities.

Tourism Australia have launched a four-part video series looking at how the Australian tourism industry can get the most out of social media.
Click here for more details